Uncomfortable Much was born in 2018, in the back yard of a friends house while drinking. True, a strange start for a podcast, the conversation was a heated debate about the need for a web based radio or podcast show that challenged and threw the views and opinions of its listeners into question. Even if it was only for 1 hour. After some jokes, and many shots later the idea was proposed to create a podcast whos name was its essence. Shortly after "Uncomfortable Much!" was born.

While the concept and recording took some time since the original concept was proposed, Uncomfortable Much! has kept true to the original vision of challenging how we think and perceive the world around us. We have kept the idea of challenging our thoughts, feelings and views alive by keeping our podcast rated "explicit content" to allow for an organic and natural flow and presentation of ideas.

In 2023; Uncomfortable Much! merged with Sutherland Media to become a even bigger force in the podcasting community. Our merge has allowed us to continue to share and broadcast content unique to our channel as well as allow us to publish content from Derek's books live and on demand. Our mission will always be to broadcast and present episodes that are true to ideals, without bias and in the most organic and well researched way possible.